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Kioko Suoh's Dream

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Hollis Brown Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:51 pm

Kioko Suoh's Dream Kioko_10

Kioko Suoh's Dream

Inside a large amusement park, there is a massive blue and red striped circus tent. There are rollercoasters and haunted houses and water slides and various other attractions, but none of them are being used. In fact, the entire park is dead. Not a single visitor can be found. The sky is overcast. Everything except for the circus tent is in black and white.

Suddenly, a gun is fired inside the tent.

Someone emerges from the entrance flap-- it's Kioko Suoh, who is dual wielding pistols and continues to back up while facing the tent. The flap opens again, and Kioko begins to unleash hell on a man in a rubber clown suit who just emerged. The man cries out and topples forward. A pool of blood forms around his body.

Kioko has a wide, satisfied grin on her face. She blows at the barrels of her twin pistols and lets out a loud laugh that reverberates throughout the amusement park.
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Jackson_Lee Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:30 pm

Jackson turned, hearing the gunshot. He takes cover as Kioko emerges from the tent flap. He blinked as she shot a man in a clown suit. "What the fuck?" He gasped.

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cliff Alset Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:07 pm

Over at the front entrance of the Horror House, a figure dressed in total grey stands silent and still. It's face is blurred. It is difficult to tell if it's a man or woman. The grey cloak almost touches the ground. In the right hand of this human is a large machete. At the sound of the gunshot and the loud laugh that followed, the grey figure turns its head toward the circus tent. A fluttering in the face of the creature is suddenly seen. Then a frightening voice emits, "It is all going well!"
Cliff Alset
Cliff Alset

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Jackson_Lee Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:12 am

Jackson reached for his hip, unconsciously reaching for his firearm. But it wasn't there. Instead it was a toy squirt gun. Pulling the trigger only spewed out a small jet of water. Jackson grumbled and looked out again. He heard a frightening voice call out that all was going well. But to Jackson, this was not certainly the case. It felt like a total nightmare, but apparently that wasn't so to Kioko.

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Hollis Brown Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:36 pm

Kioko looks first at the figure in gray, then at Jackson. Her brows furrow in intense concentration, and she screams, "That fucking squirtgun isn't going to do shit! Grab a REAL MAN'S weapon!" Kioko then gestures vaguely toward a large wardrobe that is suddenly standing in the amusement park. She then turns around and fires in the direction of the figure in gray-- not at it, but at two clowns that had started running toward them from the figure's direction.

"I'm going to blast your fucking balls off!" Kioko threatens. She fires a shot in the air with one of her shotguns, then fires a short with the other. She aims them both at the figure. "Take another step, bitch! C'mon, do it! Do iiiiiiiiit, biiiiiitch!"
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cliff Alset Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:06 pm

The grey cloaked figure suddenly waves the machete upward. It leaves a blood-red fanning in the air. The face of the foreboding figure sprouts a wide, ugly smile. It's a clown's face now. It bears sharp teeth. "Fire and water are my domain at the Well of pain and fear! My marks have been left there in your puny little village!" Then the clown's face opened wider, and a terrifying screech tore through the air.
Cliff Alset
Cliff Alset

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cameron Johnson Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:08 pm

Cameron walked out of the water slide. His swim trunks felt baggy on him and he pulled them up to avoid being exposed. He looked around and seeing nobody he became panicked. After hearing the gunshot, he became almost hysterical. "Mom?!" Cameron cried out. "Where are you?!"
Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Hollis Brown Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:27 pm

Another shot tears through the surreal carnival. Hollis Brown stands just a few feet behind the figure in gray, with his shotgun still aimed at the back of the thing's head. A bullet hole can be seen in the back of its head and, on the other side, on the middle of its forehead.

Meanwhile, within Cameron's view, a figure suddenly stands before him: it is Cliff Alset. This Cliff, however, is dressed as a circus lion tamer. The Dream Cliff stands, with arms crossed, and silently watches Cameron.
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cameron Johnson Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:31 pm

Cameron notices a lion tamer standing in front of him. He has to squint a moment before he recognizes the man. Cameron walks toward him slowly. "Cliff, what's going on here?"
Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cliff Alset Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:06 pm

Cliff looks at his outfit with a bit of awkward concern. "I have no bloody idea. What's with this I'm wearing? Looks like I'm ready for the jungle or something." He then looks up and at all the characters scattered about the amusement park. What the hell IS going on here?" He turns his attention to Cameron. "I...don't want to be here!"
Cliff Alset
Cliff Alset

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Hollis Brown Mon May 02, 2016 11:52 pm

Hollis Brown joins Cameron, who is in swim trunks, and Cliff, who is suddenly dressed as a lion tamer. As he joins them, he takes a quick glance at Jackson, who is standing a short distance away. Hollis takes out a cigarette from his coat and lights it.

"Strange," he murmurs. "Jackson and I look like normal, while you two look like goons."

A loud cry rings out from inside the big circus tent. The voice is clearly Kioko's.
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cliff Alset Tue May 03, 2016 3:13 pm

Cliff turns his attention towards the tent. He listens to Kioko's cry and steps forward. Then, as he decides to rush forward, he yells out, "NOW WHAT?" Cliff reaches the entrance to the circus tent and yells again, "ARE YOU OK? WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?"
Cliff Alset
Cliff Alset

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Hollis Brown Tue May 03, 2016 9:09 pm

The inside lining of the tent is a deep shade of red and is lit by a series of bright white lights strung around the circumference. The floor is covered by a large blue mat. Two spotlights intersect at the middle, forming over nothing.

"Next up, the moment you've been waiting all this time for. The walker of nightmares and dreams, Mister Redman, is sure to amaze you with his fantastic tricks: but is it a trick, or is it real? We are honored to introduce Mister Redman and Kioko Suoh in 'Kioko Suoh Disappears!'"

The two spotlights split and land on two figures on the mat. Kioko Suoh is under one light. She is tied up, at the wrists and ankles, to a flaming ring. The fires lick at the air close to her, but neither her nor the rope that binds her burn. She is wearing a black dress that cuts off at the knees and a pair of black slippers. A red die dangles in front of her chest, connected to the gold necklace around her neck. She sends a trembling look at the men who have entered the tent.

Under the other spotlight, a very tall figure stands, hunched forward. His skin is bright red, as though his entire body was covered in severe burns. His eyes are slightly yellow in color. He has black corn rows. His hands are disproportionately large for his body-- they are massive clubs populated by welts and bleeding wounds. He wears a long black robe, which trails behind him and blurs into his shadow.

"Do something, you little shits!" Kioko screams. She glances at Mister Redman, who is looking at the men at the entrance. "Oh, fuck this shiiiiiiit!"
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cameron Johnson Sun May 08, 2016 5:55 pm

Cameron looked over at Hollis and Cliff with a dismal expression. "I hate to break it to you fellas but I think Kioko is talking to us. I don't know how much help I'll be if I'm being honest. The only real "heroic" thing I've ever done in my life is I fought a legendary vampire in Dungeons and Dragons and won. Our party was low on supplies and statistically there was I believe a 5% chance of us actually winning. Low and behold we pulled it off. My character was a Barbarian Dwarf and the only thing that was bigger than his war axe was his temper." Cameron kept rambling on and on for what seemed like forever especially considering the circumstances they found themselves under. As he rambled, Cameron's body began to change. His toned muscles that were used for running and stamina based activities almost exclusively began to change. They became larger in stature. Swelled to the point of inhuman proportions. His face which is typically a barren wasteland in regards to facial hair became a dense forrest of manliness. His voice grew gruffer and it seemed more war torn as he continued to ramble. At last his now booming voice called out to Cliff, "Fuck it, I'm going in to fight that bastard. Cliff, throw me your whip!" It's no battle axe and this ugly fuck is certainly no vampire but maybe my years playing D&D will come in handy Cameron thought to himself. With a scream that was as thunderous as the largest storm that has ever been recorded, Cameron charged into the tent with Cliff's whip flailing wildly in the air behind him as he held the handle above his head.
Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Cliff Alset Sun May 08, 2016 8:48 pm

Rushing toward the flaming ring surrounding Kioko, Cliff attempts to leap into the fire. He burns his right foot and quickly reverses his daring feat. "Ahhh shit! DAMN IT!" He looks desperately at Kioko. "I WILL get you out of there!" Cliff runs around the flames and decides to remove his coat. He then tosses it on top of the burning ring allowing a very quick path to walk over. Cliff is now standing in the ring inches from the woman's head. He tries to loosen the ropes that bind her arms. "Hold still! I'll get these if it's the last thing I do! Just hold still!" He struggles as the flames reach for him. "God please!" He manages to free her right arm. Leaping on top of Kioko, Cliff goes for the left wrist. The flames dance in anger around them. Kioko tries to sit up, so Cliff moves to her feet.
Cliff Alset
Cliff Alset

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Kioko Suoh's Dream Empty Re: Kioko Suoh's Dream

Post by Hollis Brown Tue May 10, 2016 6:31 pm

Cliff's whip came crashing down hard upon Mister Redman, who made no effort to defend himself as Cameron approached. The figure in black merely looked squarely at Cameron as the attack came. The whip sliced through the air and right through Mister Redman, facing no resistance whatsoever. The whip merely phased through him, as though he was not even there. Mister Redman then, without a single body movement, swooped forward, speeding across the tent, up to Cameron.

Mister Redman leans forward, so that his face is just inches from Cameron's. Mister Redman locks eyes with him.

"Stranger in a strange land."

Cameron is knocked back several feet, before falling onto his back and sliding out of the tent, and the dream ends.
Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown

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